Welcome to han marie! - han marie

han marie

Just a twenty-something girl.


Sunday 11 November 2018

Welcome to han marie!

Firstly, my name isn't actually Han Marie. Hello, I'm Hannah and Marie is my middle name—which I've never actually liked but it sounds cute as a blog title so I'm warming up to it. Welcome to my blog—which I've started about six times but don’t worry, this time I'm committed…I swear.

A little bit about myself: I'm a 21-year-old English Literature and Creative Writing graduate who somehow got a job working for a publishing company (there’ll be plenty of posts about all that) and now I live with my lovely parents and commute to London every single morning.

Would you like the good news or the bad news first?

The bad news is that I really don’t have a proper niche. I get obsessed (and I mean obsessed) with a ‘thing’, like crochet for example (yes, I did crochet a blanket solidly for an entire summer and no, of course I never finished it). I also spent £100 on three hula hoops last summer because I saw a cool video and figured I could become a gymnast (still working on it). I’ll then discover a new addiction and completely drop the previous thing. Please tell me I'm not alone in this?

The good news is that you've got a pretty good chance of finding one of these things useful or interesting.

I’d like this space to be somewhere I can record what it’s like to have the pleasure of being a confused twenty-something. Most of this will be me trying to come to terms with the ‘real’ world—which I've discovered is soul-destroying—oh yeah, I'm quite dramatic too. Why don’t they tell us this at University?

All this being said, let me list a few  interests for you so that you know whether to stick around. I'd love to have you! At the moment, I'm focused on writing (this blog, a children’s book and at work), becoming that professional, organised and glamourous ‘Girlboss’ woman that I'm starting to think is impossible (watch that series on Netflix btw, it’s great), trying to achieve personal goals whilst getting any amount of sleep, and dreaming of the day when I turn 30 and life works itself out—right?

I’d love to write about feminist pop-culture, publishing, mindfulness, finances, beauty (skin-care is my addiction of choice), book and TV reviews, minimalism, writing tips, opinion pieces and maybe even crochet (lol).

Basically, I like to pretend that I have my life together and write about it. When this charade falls apart, I like to write about that too. I suppose that this is a lifestyle blog and I can’t wait to make this new journey with you all!

Have an amazing day and a wonderfully productive week. Drink loads of coffee (science says it’s good for us) and I’ll see you soon with some (hopefully) exciting things. If you've made it this far then thanks for taking the time to read this, you’re inspiring. Also, please do follow me on Twitter because I need some friends (@hanmarieblogs).

Love Han xo

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